Striated muscles
- cardiac
- smooth
- skeletal
- both a and b
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Muscel membrane is called
- sarcoplasm
- sarcolemma
- transverse tubule
- myofilament
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
When sarcolemma penetrate deep into cell it give rise to
- inviginations
- striations
- transverse tubules
- fascicle
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Characteristic cross striations are specifically found in
- myofilament
- myofibrils
- sacrolemma
- sarcoplasm
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Connective tissue wraping around a muscle is called
- endomysium
- epimysium
- perimysium
- epiphysis
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Each muscle is divided into discrete bundle of muscle cells called
- myofibrils
- myofilaments
- fascicles
- none
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Each fascicle is surrounded by
- perimysium
- epimysium
- endomysium
- All
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Muscle fibre with in the Fascicle or muscle bundle is also covered by a layer of connective tissu
- perimysium
- epimysium
- endomysium
- periosteum
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
The cytoplasm of myofibril is called
- sarcolemma
- sarcoplasm
- granna
- tonoplast
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Microfilaments or myofilaments are made up of
- actin
- myosin
- chititn
- both a and b
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: