Chapter No 4 :Social responsibilities and Managerial ethics (13 MCQ`S)

  1. According to …....................... View, the management's only social responsibility is to maximize profit.
    1. Classical View
    2. Socioeconomic View
    3. both a & b
    4. Neither a nor b
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      Answer: A
      • N/A
  2. The view that management's social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting and improving society's welfare is known as …......................
    1. Classical View
    2. Socioeconomic View
    3. both a & b
    4. Neither a nor b
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: B
      • N/A
  3. A business firm's obligation, beyond that required by law and economics, to pursue long term goals that are good for society is known as ….....................
    1. Social Obligations
    2. social reponsiblity
    3. social responsiveness
    4. social responsibility
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: B
      • Social obligation of a business is to meet its economic and legal responsiblities, yet social responsibility is beyond firm's obligations that requied by law and economics, for long terms goals that are good for society and adds an ethical imperative to do those things that make society better and not to do those that could make it worse.
  4. an approach to managing in which managers establish, promote and pratice an organization's shared values is known as ….....................
    1. value based management
    2. shared organizational values
    3. building team spirit
    4. none of these
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      Answer: A
      • N/A
  5. the recongnition of the close link between an organization's decisions and avtivities and its impact on the natural environment is known as ….....................
    1. value based management
    2. greening of the management
    3. both a & b
    4. Neither a nor b
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: B
      • N/A
  6. the term which defines the rules and principles that what is right and what is wrong is refers to…...................
    1. ethics
    2. utilitarian view of ethics
    3. rights view of ethics
    4. theory of justice view of ethics
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      Answer: A
      • N/A
  7. …............................ Is the view of ethics says that ethical decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes or consequences.
    1. rights view of ethics
    2. utilitarian view of ethics
    3. ethics
    4. theory of justice view of ethics
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      Answer: B
      • N/A
  8. …........................ Is the view of ethics concerns with respecting and protecting individual liberties and privileges
    1. ethics
    2. utilitarian view of ethics
    3. rights view of ethics
    4. theory of justice view of ethics
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: C
      • N/A
  9. A view of ethics is knows as …..........................., in which managers impose and enforce rules fairly and impartially and do so by following all legal rules and regulations.
    1. rights view of ethics
    2. utilitarian view of ethics
    3. ethics
    4. theory of justice view of ethics
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: D
      • N/A
  10. A view of ethics is known as …......................................, that proposes that ethical decisions should be based on empirical and normative factors.
    1. Integreative social contracts theory
    2. rights view of ethics
    3. utilitarian view of ethics
    4. theory of justice view of ethics
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: A
      • N/A


  5. SARAIKI(سرائیکی)