One of the short definations of ----------------- is , meeting needs profitably.
- Planning
- Selling
- Pricing
- Marketing
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
A ----------------- defination of marketing is to "deliver a higher standard of living".
- Managerial
- Social
- Both a & b
- Neither a nor b
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
A -------------------- defination of markting is as "the art of selling Products".
Both a & b
Neither a nor b
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
------------------------------ is the core concept of marketing.
- Offer
- Need
- Exchange
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
A ------------------------- is a trade of values between two or more parties.
- Exchange
- Transaction
- Transfer
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
If A give pen to B, but not receive anything tangible in return, it is called ------------------.
- Exchange
- Transaction
- Transfer
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
A ------------------------- is someone who seeks a response from another party.
- Prospect
- Marketer
- Both a & b
- None of these
- Marketer seeks response, and the person who is responding is known as prospect.
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Answer: B Explanation: -
If two parties are seeking to sell something to each other, we call them both -----------------------.
- Prospects
- Marketers
- Both a & b
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
In ------------------------ demand, consumers dislike the product and may even pay a price to avoid it.
- Nonexistent Demand
- Negative Demand
- Latent Demand
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
in ------------------------ demand, consumers may be unaware or uninterested in the products.
- Nonexistent Demand
- Negative Demand
- Latent Demand
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: