Sex organ develop in the branches of gametophyte are
- antheridiophore
- archegonionphores
- sporophyte
- a and b both
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
Bryopsida included in
- mosses
- ferns
- liver worts
- herbs
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Mosses live in
- damp places
- dry places
- in water
- all
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
Which thing is necessary for reproduction of mosses
- air
- water
- temprature
- heat
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Antheridia and archigonia develop in mosses as
- reproductive organ
- non reproductive
- branches
- useless organ
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Antheridia and archigonia formed clusters and mixed with hair
- paraphyses
- polyphyses
- flagella
- cilia
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Zygote germinate to form
- paraphyses
- polyphyses
- sporophyte
- spores
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Spores of mosses form algae like structure called
- protonema
- cycads
- red algae
- green algae
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Protema present in liver worts
- skin
- branch
- stem
- absent
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: -
Vasscular tissue transport
- water
- minerals
- carbon
- a and b both
- N/A
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Answer: D Explanation: