This file is contains full of Rule Regulation and differ act in school education department and it include all type of PPSC,FPSC, NTS MCQS and all other type of exams and test. FTF MCQS, Peeda Act 2006 act ordinance MCQs and CPD MCQs which are most important in educational ares. You can find your own choice MCQs like Peeda act 2006 mcqs, FTS mcqs, DSD mcqs and other school education related data comprised in this section
Early childhood education in simple term
- Both
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
According to this enrollment of primary school
- 30%
- 40%
- 50%
- 60%
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Promotion of ECE is the first goal of
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Under ECE physcial activity and and devlopment is called
- Personal dev
- Physical Dev
- Both
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
which makes the child strong personal preferences
- Personal dev
- Physical Dev
- Both
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
which one makes the individual cretaive
- Personal dev
- Creative Dev
- Both
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: -
Child ability to classify matching and supporting
- Personal dev
- Creative Dev
- Mathematical dev
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: C Explanation: -
Drop cut rate in primary school in percentage
- 30-40
- 40-50
- 50-60
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
Which educational policy contains a full section ece
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- None of these
- N/A
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Answer: A Explanation: -
How many areas in ece curriculum
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- N/A
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Answer: B Explanation: