Chapter No 12 :Romantic Age (195 MCQ`S)

In this chapter, you will find information about Romantic Age. You will get information about its famous writers like William Wordsworth, John Keats, P. B. Shelley, Coleridge, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, Pierre Corneille Thomas Holcroft, Thomas Love Peacock, Sydney Smith and William Blake. All this is being provided in the form of MCQs and relative explanation. mcq on romantic age, MCQ on Romantic Age in English Literature with explanation, Questions on Romantic Period in English Literature mcqs with answers ans explanations, Romantic Period Mcqs for Preparation of any exams, Romantic and Victorian poetry MCQs, Romantic and Victorian Age Poetry MCQs with Answers & Explanations, romanticism questions and answers pdf, multiple choice questions on romanticism, mcq on romantic age, 18th Century Literature mcqs. Age of Transition MCQS, Romantic poetry mcqs, romantic and victorian poetry mcq pdf with answers & explanation for the preparation of public service commission exam

  1. Romantic Age of English Literature started in ………….
    1. 1803
    2. 1800
    3. 1796
    4. 1798
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: D
      • Romantic writers got inspiration from French Revolution which took place in 1789 in France. This revolution gave revolutionary ideas. Some critics are of the view that Romantic Age started in 1789 with the French Revolution. Some of them say that Romanticism starts from 1785 with the Industrial Revolution.
  2. Romantic Age is also known as ………….
    1. Romantic Revival
    2. Age of Poetry
    3. Age of Revolution
    4. All of these
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: D
      • N/A
  3. Which European country was the first to be industrialized?
    1. England
    2. France
    3. Germany
    4. Netherland
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: A
      • N/A
  4. Which critic called the Romantic Age as the 'Renaissance of Wonder'?

    1.   S.T Coleridge 

    2. John Keats

    3. Theodor Watts Dunton

    4. Robert Southey

    5. Show Answer
      Answer: C
      • Theodore Watts-Dunton was a British critic and poet. His life span was 1832-1914.

  5. Which was/were the quality/qualities of French Revolution?
    1. Equality
    2. Liberty
    3. Fraternity
    4. All of these
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: D
      • N/A
  6. Which was the dominant literary genre in Romantic Age?
    1. Novel
    2. Poetry
    3. Drama
    4. Prose
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: B
      • N/A
  7. "Reflection of the Revolution in France" was written by………..
    1. William Wordsworth
    2. Lord Byron
    3. Edmund Burke
    4. None of these
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: C
      • N/A
  8. Reign of Terror began in …………
    1. 1793
    2. 1789
    3. 1785
    4. 1799
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: A
      • In this period, a series of massacres took place in France after the creation of the first repubic. It prevailed till July, 1794
  9. The Romantic Period started with the publication of ………... in 1798 ?
    1. Lyrical Ballads
    2. Reflection on the Revolution in France
    3. The Four Ages of Poetry
    4. Magnificence
    5. Show Answer
      Answer: A
      • Lyrical Ballads was jointly publishd by Wordsworth and Coleridge.
  10. Which book is called as the "Magna Carta of English Poetry"?

    1. The Prelude

    2. The Four Ages of Poetry

    3. Reflection of the Revolution in France

    4. Lyrical Ballads

    5. Show Answer
      Answer: D
      • Lyrical Ballads gave a new trend to poetry. It is the Magna Carta of English poetry.


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